
Düsseldorf Rhein - Ruhr
My mother brought me to the airport in the late morning of May 18. Parking was chaotic, as there is again construction work at Düsseldorf airport and some part of the streets round the terminal are closed for working and most parking garage were occupied. So we had to use the new parking garage P 8, which is okay if you are leaving from C (were most of the charter flights depart), but if you are in Terminal A on LH it is quite a bit
to walk.
I was only travelling with hand luggage but had my laptop with me and therefore told my mother to wait with the laptop bag out of sight of check in as I do not want any discussion with check is, especially as my hand luggage was heavy. From my experience, one piece of hand luggage is okay, but more could be problematic, depending on the check-in agent. At the Economy Counters were a few people queuing but it was not a very long line, at Business Class was no line and several agent were free. So went straight
to one of the free deskss
Check in at the Business Counter was fast but not one of my friendliest check-in processes. First she greeted me with “This is Business Class Check In”. Well I know and that is why I am here was my reply and gave her my FTL card. She was able to check me in for my flight to Munich but unfortunately she was unable to issue the boarding pass for the flight Munich to Bangkok and later on Bangkok to Hong Kong. I was told to check-in at the Frequent Traveller / Business Lounge in Munich. This agent was one of the
unfriendlier agents at DUS, no smile, no wishing a good journey.
After a “Good Bye” to my mother, I headed for security, where only one person was queuing. So after a quick security check, this time the laptop was not a problem, I headed for a visit to the FTL Lounge, which was not very full and I settled down with a glass of water and relaxed, before the boarding call was made. It is always interesting, that in the Düsseldorf lounges boarding calls are made while there ia no call in the lounges in Frankfurt.
18 May 2006
[Düsseldorf – Munich]
LH 841 (Lufthansa); Boeing 737 – 300 „Saarbrücken”
Gate A 72
13:00 – 14:10 [effective 13:00 – 14:10]
Economy Class
Seat 12 A
Gate 72 was just opposite the bottom of the steps to the lounge and boarding had started, as I reached the gate. I had to wait a few minutes before I could board the plane, because a young lady with a child needed a little bit longer to take her seat. But no problem and the child, obviously only a few month young, slept the whole flight. Good and well behaved child ….
The flight was full, I think 80% of the seats were taken, but the middle seat in a few rows, including my row remained empty, which was very nice. So I was able to store my laptop under the middle seat.
Before push back the captain came over the micro and informed us about the flight time to Munich and that we should leave Düsseldorf in time and arrive in Munich also in time. Safety demonstration was done manually, as usual on Lufthansa domestic flights.
Push back was in time a 13:00 and we rolled to the runway and wheels were up at 13:07.
After the seat belt signs were switched off, the three flight attendants jump in action. Business Class got a sandwich, while in Economy there was only a beverage round. I opted for a coffee and a sparkling water.
The flight itself was uneventful; I was able to doze some minutes before we began our final approach to Munich Franz Josef Strauß Airport.
We landed in Munich at 14:00 and unfortunately had a bus gate. I was rainy weather, but rain stopped just in the moment as were could leave the plane over the staircase. I have had a bus gate at most flights from Düsseldorf to Munich in the past. This is a little bit annoying and costs some time, especially if you have a tight connection. This time two Mercedes were also waiting for Hon’s on this flight.
I took the second bus to the main terminal, as this was not so crowded than the first bus and I had plenty of time to kill.
next flight