
Chicago O’Hare
We used the train to get over from Terminal 1 to Terminal 5. The signs at Terminal 1 are far away from being good. Signs are showing wrong directions and why on earth are only flights shown departing at this Terminal, why not for other Terminals. Especially since not all Star Alliance airlines are located in the same terminal, one is in the need of such information, if one is not informed about the terminal used by the airline.
In Terminal 5 at security we were advised to get Asiana boarding passes, they do not let us pass with the boarding passes issued by United in San Diego. Strange! We must go back to the counter in the main hall. Fortunately there were only a few people queuing and I went to Economy Counter as Business was occupied by an Economy Passenger (I saw his boarding pass and also later in the plane saw him in the Economy Cabin). Nevertheless the agent at the Economy was friendly and went over to the Business Counter to
fetch everything she need to check me in. After we get new boarding passes from Asiana, we passed security and entered the Swiss Lounge, used by Asiana in Terminal 5 for this night flight. A Star Gold Lounge is located before the gates..

The First Class section is really small, a small selection of cookies, some fruits and a Nespresso machine, alcoholic drinks like Campari, Whiskey and non-alcoholic beverage like Perrier, Pepsi and juice were available. Business Class section is a little bit bigger, but the lounge is far away from being anything special.
English language newspapers are missing, one could get some Korean Papers and Magazines, but one Economist and one Swiss Magazine seems a bit odd. There is much room for an improvement. It seems Asiana has to take care for the service provided for their flights by themselves, as the lounge attendant put the Korean Magazines and Papers away, as boarding for the flight started.
23 May 2006
[Chicago O’Hare – Seoul Incheon]
OZ 235 (Asiana Airlines); Boeing 747 – 400
Gate 08
01:00 – 05:00 [effective 01:00 – 04:40]
Business Class
Seat 07 K
Boarding had started as we arrived at the gates next of the lounge. Boarding Passes and Passport were checked again and we could board the plane. Cathaana again turned left after entering the plane while I headed for the stairs to the upperdeck of this 747-400. Again a flight attendant told boarding Economy Passengers not to block my way and let me pass. Well, it is not such a problem for me to wait while they store
their carry on and even help them to do so.
Passing the greeting flight attendants in the Business Class on the upper deck, it was a warm welcome back – it was they same crew as on the inbound flight to ORD. This time I had seat 07 K, which is the seat in the first row of the Business Class Cabin. This seat has the advantage, nobody in front of you, but the storage row between Seat and window is narrower than on the rows back. On the other side, the storage room is in front of you and you are really fast to reach your hand luggage.
Headphones, pillow and blanket were awaiting me on the seat.
After I stored my items, one of the flight attendants came and greeted me again, this time by name, and told me, they are surprised to see me on their flight back. I was also told that Business Class was not fully booked and the seat aside my seat should remain empty.
On my way downstairs to cathaana in First, I was greeted by one of the leading flight attendants, who also recognised me form the previous trip. To me, it was amazing, greeted by name and being recognised. The load in First Class was as I remember correctly 40% while C was booked 65 % and Y was booked nearly full, from the impression I got while I strolled through the cabin.
This time pre departure drink were only Water and Orange Juice, it seems due to the time of the departure Asiana could not to serve Champagne, though it was available on request. A hot towel service was done some seconds later.
After a long taxi way to our runway we finally were airborne at 01:20 in the morning.
The flight attendant distributed the menus ten minutes after take off and also took the order of the menu. As I took the menu with me on the flight to Chicago and they had the menu for both directions in one menu card, I know what my choice was and told the flight attendant right away as she appeared. She was surprised but then remembered I had taken the menu with me on the flight to Chicago and asked if I need this menu, too. Well, one is enough I thought and I told her, that I will not need this, but it was
nice, she remembered that I took it with me.
This time service began right after the fasten seat belt signs were switched off by taking the orders for the heavy snack.
A quick lock at the menu 
This time, the first course was served from a tray, while the other courses were brought individually if one had finished the previous course. Also the course were not served from the cart this time, but brought individually. I choose the beef as main course, which was okay. It was nothing really special and food on Lufthansa is better. If I compare it with other Asian carriers, I think they are on the same level with All Nippon Airways and Singapore Airlines, the later one could be better, but in average not much. It
is my personal opinion, other people on other classes may think in a different way.
Only the selection of wine could be a bit better, though the presentation is okay. One can try the wine before the glass is filled. I have not seen this on All Nippon Airways and even Lufthansa did not do this all the time.
Just after meal had finished I asked for ear plugs and eyeshade and called it a night. I was able to use parts of the luggage storage between window and seat as food rest as the food rest of the old business class cabin is not adjustable in the length. I was able to get altogether nearly 7 hours of light sleep. This is not that bad for me and the longest time I was able to sleep in a plane.
The following flight time I listened to the music channel or finished one of my books I brought with me and the Time Magazine I got on one of the previous flights. I also strolled back to the galley and asked for some orange juice and water and chatted with one of the flight attendants. She told me, she was surprised to see me back and where I came from. She was even more surprised to hear, that I am from Germany. We also chatted about the new Business Class of Asiana. They asked if I had been on a flight with
the New Business Class, with I had not. I was told to try this seat, as it is very good and a real improvement to this one (and between the lines, one could read that they thought there was a need to get a new First and Business Class Cabin). I enjoyed this conversation very much and I was addressed several times by name.
The flight was a bit bumpy during the night and prior to arrival, but nothing to worry about.
100 minutes prior to landing the lights were switched on and ten minutes later the order for the breakfast were taken.
Time for another selection of food out of the menu 
Again the table were laid with linen. This time on got the breakfast items on one tray. Muffins, rolls and pastries were brought by the flight attendants in a basket. They appeared several times and asked if I would like another roll, muffin, etc.
During breakfast no alcoholic beverages were served, only juices and water. Coffee and tea were refilled often and service was friendlier than on the flight to Chicago. I also noticed it seems I got a special treatment by the flight attendants. I was asked several times for another glass of juice while other passengers were asked only once or at least twice.
From the service point, this was an outstanding service. And again I can join the choir of the people, who think, you got a special treatment if the crew knows you and you know the flight crew. I would not say, I know them really well, but it was another treatment than other passengers got and also as on the flight to Chicago. Personally, I think this is not only because this flight was not fully booked.
Finally we began our descend into Incheon International Airport and touched down in the morning at 04:40. We reached our gate at 04:45.
First Class was able to disembark through the First Class Door, while Business Class had to use the rear door. Something went wrong and the crew let some Economy Passengers disembark and blocked Business Class. A comment from one of the flight attendants in Korean Language stopped this and now Economy Passengers were blocked and we were able to disembark the plane. I met cathaana, who waited in the Terminal and we were on our way to the Transfer point at this early morning at 04:50 in Seoul. One had to pass security
again. We were one of the first passengers and we passed in less than three minutes. Again, not need to put my laptop out of the laptop bag.

next flight