Düsseldorf International
I was picked up at 06:00 am at my flat and brought to the airport where I arrived at 06:30. First Class check in was relocated to other counters because they were rebuilding them. Since I passed the relocated counters I used the Business Class Counters, where only a few people were queuing. The API data was not stored in the system, though I filled the online form. But due the discussion at Flyertalk.com I learned
that LH is in so far experiencing some IT-problems in the moment.
I headed for the crowded security check. Though the lines were long, I had only to wait for app. ten minutes before it was my turn. As usual laptop as well as lotions and other liquids etc. had to put out of the bag and to be laid on the belt.
After I had stored my laptop again I headed for the Senator Lounge, read a bit in the papers and had a coffee and waited for the boarding time. Five minutes before scheduled boarding time I left the lounge for the gate.
11 February 2008
[Düsseldorf - Frankfurt]
LH 805 (Lufthansa); Boeing 737-500 (D-ABIU / 'Limburg')
Gate A 81
08:10 – 09:05 [effective 08:07 – 09:10]
Economy Class
Seat 12 F
Boarding was scheduled for 07:50 for this short hop to Frankfurt. It started nearly in time and the flight was completely fully booked in both classes. So seat blocking for Senators could obviously not work on this fight.
We pushed back at 08.07 ahead of schedule and rolled to the runway. We were airborne at 08:12 and after our departure in western direction made a sharp turn to the left heading towards Cologne, Bonn to Mainz where we made another left turn for the approach to Frankfurt.
It was an uneventful short flight of 35 minutes to Frankfurt. As usual there was no service in Economy, so I read a bit in the papers I brought with me from the Senator Lounge.
We touched down ahead of schedule at 08:55 and I hoped to reach the gate also ahead of schedule arrival time. But this wish was not fulfilled. Our gate was occupied by another plane and we had to wait on the tarmac for app. ten minutes and than rolled to our gate A 26, which we reached at 09:10. Luckily my seat in the front means I could leave the place quite fast and walked to the stairs in front of the Senator / FTL lounge, where one could reach the second floor with the Non-Schengen gates.
next flight